Once again, we made a Google Docs document to keep a track of all our ideas for the opening.
Below are the screenshots of our notes and conversations.
My contribution is written in blue, Immy's - yellow and Emma's - purple.
Now, we can confidently say we know what we're doing (the overall idea, at least). Our plan for the opening two minutes is to show the killer, whose face is never actually shown to the audience, preparing for the first murder cross cutting to shots of the act being carried out. We're planning to use a series of mysterious close ups and match on action to add intensity to the scene and to never actually reveal the face of the killer or their victim.
In terms of sound, we are considering non-diegetic piece by Camille Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre (which is a composition from the XIX century, so there won't be any copyright issues) playing during the scene after the killer puts on headphones. When it comes to diegetic sound, we won't have almost any during the playing of Danse Macabre, but before the killer equips headphones we want to use sounds such as very loud footsteps and heavy breathing through a gas mask.
For the titles, we want to overlay them over the shots, since we will have a lot of footage (or at least we want to have a lot of different footage) to fit into the two minutes. For the actual title of the film, we want to make it a part of the environment. We were considering a wall neon that spells 'Toxic' (or something similar to a neon, since they're so expensive) and filming it flickering as the killer walks past it, to later put it at the end of our opening sequence.